Xun Sun directing an orchestra

2024 SUU High School Honor Orchestra Festival

This event takes place on Saturday, November 9, 2024 in conjunction with the Southern Utah University music scholarship auditions. We invite high school orchestras and ensembles with their director to join this honor orchestra event by group. Also any high school students, nominated by their directors (no audition required), can experience an outstanding opportunity to rehearse and perform, along with the festival combined orchestra, with high quality orchestral works under the direction of Dr. Xun Sun, Director of Orchestral Activities at Southern University of Utah.  Fee for participation is $20 per student. Lunch will be provided by the SUU Music Department. Follow the links below for information, registration, and sheet music. All rehearsals and the performance will be held at our beautiful Heritage Center Theater in Cedar City, Utah (105 N, 100 E).

Honor Orchestra Schedule

Activity Time
Registration 9:00AM
SUU Honor Orchestra first rehearsal on stage : ANDANTE FESTIVO with Ms. Kristen Candland 10:00AM
VIVA LA VIDA with Mr. Will Zeller 10:30AM
Break 11:00AM
ALLEGRO BARBARO with Dr. Xun Sun 11:15PM
ADAGIO with Dr. Xun Sun 11:45PM
Lunch at down stirs 12:15PM
SUU Honor Orchestra second rehearsal on stage: ANDANTE FESTIVO with Ms. Kristen Candland 1:00PM
ADAGIO with Dr. Xun Sun 1:20PM
ALLEGRO BARBARO on stage with Dr. Xun Sun 1:40PM
VIVA LA VIDA with Mr. Will Zeller 2:00PM
Break 2:20PM

Dress rehearsal on stage in concert order :

  1. Canyon View High School Orchestra Conduct by Mr. Will Zeller
  2. Desert Hill High School Orchestra Conduct by Ms. Kristen Candland
  3. Honor Orchestra:
2:30 - 3:30PM
Open Concert! Free admission for the public. 4:00PM


Honor Orchestra Attendees


Honor Orchestra Director Dr. Xun Sun